Prison Radicalization

prisoners talking behind bars


Understanding the radicalization process and specifically, religious radicalization to radical Islam within the U.S. prison system is a complex problem. Inmates radicalized to radical Islam within U.S. prisons pose a national threat to U.S. national security. Historically, the recruitment of inmates to various ideologies and extremist thoughts has always existed. However, the spread to radical […]

Understanding the radicalization process and specifically, religious radicalization to radical Islam within the U.S. prison system is a complex problem. Inmates radicalized to radical Islam within U.S. prisons pose a national threat to U.S. national security. Historically, the recruitment of inmates to various ideologies and extremist thoughts has always existed. However, the spread to radical Islam in U.S. prisons is unique as religious freedom allows for the possible spread of Jihad rhetoric to take shape and form within U.S. prison cells. The number of inmates recruited to radical Islam in prison is comparatively small on the grand scale. However, as we have witnessed the recruitment of one individual to commit an act of terrorism is far too many.

Further, terrorism related success stories by U.S. federal entities may not always be shared with state and/or local law enforcement officials and agencies charged with protecting the general public.  Sometimes local law enforcement and other security officials are often not aware of the potential danger posed by radicalized individuals and/or groups and this is especially alarming as it relates to prison inmates the spread of radical Islam. Because correctional officers work on a daily basis with prisoners and are exposed to the daily prison religious routines, activities, and practices there should be a working dialogue between all agencies that fall under the criminal justice umbrella and this includes correctional officers and staff.  Correctional officers have a unique perspective which encompasses the practitioner approach which is a key perspective often missing in the discussion and debate on national security.

Below is a developed framework of conditions and factors that lead to radicalization of inmates to radical Islam in U.S. prisons and identifies conditions and/or factors of Islamic radicalization in U.S. prisons. These factors provide a compelling case for prison and other security officials to evaluate prison procedures to improve public safety upon release of inmates from prison back into the community, a key social benefit.

Conditions and Factors That Lead to Radical Islam and the Radicalization Process in Prison

Stage 1: Pre-radicalization

Alienation in Prison
Feeling Disenfranchised
Poverty Background
Criminal Injustice
Present Life Situation
Lack of Formal Education

Stage 2: Self-Radicalization

Isolation from Outside World (family & friends)
Personal Identity Crisis
Vulnerability to Radical Beliefs
Presence of Radical Religious Leader

Stage 3: Like Minded Group-Radicalization

Group Think
Group Identity (Prison Gangs)
Retreats from family and friends (visitation decreases)
Islamist Materials & Rhetoric
Collective Behavior
Loyalty to Group’s/Gang’s Cause
Fully Adopts Jihad
Intensifies Beliefs

Stage 4: Violent Action/Terrorism

Release from Prison
Lack of Community Correctional Services
Funding by Islamist support groups
Loyalty Increase
Isolation Increase
Target Analysis & Surveillance


Categories: Corrections, Terrorism