SES Journal - Peer Reviewed Articles from Columbia Southern University

Academic Journal College of Safety & Emergency Services

Safety & Emergency Services Journal is a Columbia Southern University sponsored online peer-reviewed academic journal. Academic articles are presented by scholar practitioners who have extensive expertise in the fields of criminal justice, homeland security, fire science, emergency medical services, cyber security, occupational safety and environmental management professions.  Safety & Emergency Services Journal also features relevant, innovative and emerging trends within the safety professional fields.

Ethics in Law Enforcement and Intelligence

Intelligence and Law Enforcement professionals are in positions of trust in which integrity is integral. As professions, the public expects that personnel maintains a higher ethical standard due to...
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Social Media and the Police

The ubiquity of camera phones and a citizen’s ability to upload video content and commentary to social media has increased the visibility of the police. Research suggests that...
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The Truth Behind Low Impact Injuries (LIIs)

The Truth Behind LIIs: What is it we fail to understand? Introduction The National Transportation Safety Administration (NTSA) estimates “there are approximately 1.5 million passenger vehicle rear end crashes...
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